Yes. You can use the phone and call the Obedience Trainer. Wait for her/him to come over. Then buy a potion from him/her. And then, simply drink the potion. (you may have to be a werewolf when drinking the potion for it to work)
See the related link below for video description.
Sorry, but you can't get a werewolf in the Sims 2 on PS2. But you can get on the computer it's called The Sims 2 Pets, but you will need The Sims 2.
you have to get bitten by the head werewolf or leader of the pack
You can't, sorry
No it is not possible.
When your sim becomes a werewolf, from 8:00 PM to 6:00 AM they become furry and sort of monsterous.
no they cant but they can turn into a werewolf on the sims 2 pets for pc
Sorry, but you can't get a werewolf in the Sims 2 on PS2. But you can get on the computer it's called The Sims 2 Pets, but you will need The Sims 2.
Yes, go on YouTube and look up "Sims 2 werewolves cheat".
No, you have to have The Sims 2 Pets expansion pack installed.
Meet A Werewolf Be Friends With It Then It Will eventually Nibble you and you will become a werewolf
No only in sims 2
Unfortunately no, you'll need the sims 2 pets to make your sim turn into a werewolf. exchange sims and type werewolf in the search bar (free, easy, and effective)
you have to get bitten by the head werewolf or leader of the pack
You can't, sorry
No. You can turn into vampires on Sims 2 Nightlife, you can turn into werewolves on Sims 2 Pets.
Nope, you need Sims 2 Pets in order to be a werewolf.