Sorry, but you can't get a werewolf in the Sims 2 on PS2. But you can get on the computer it's called The Sims 2 Pets, but you will need The Sims 2.
i heard sims2 is on ps2
you can on a computer but not on the sims2 for ps2-somebody
You cannot play two players on Sims2 Castaway PS2
You Can On PS2... Unfortunatley But Sometimes The Censor Has A glitch And You See That Your Sim Is Just Wearing Undies
you can find it on the first island in the deep jungle
When a were wolf comes past your house click on it and say GO AWAY!!! and after you leave you are a simwolf. When the skunk comes pet it and it will make the werewolf stay on your sim longer
Sims2 Pets
well you can play as a werewolf but other than that it is pretty much the same as any other sims an any game console
No the PS2 is better than a portable game player
i heard sims2 is on ps2
no you can't