One already came out. Check it out on a store website. See if that store has it.
Sonic the Hedgehog will kiss her in the new sega movie coming out
Sonic Boom is coming out in October or November 2014.
no O.O you like sonic hahaha
sonic colors and sonic free riders In 2012 there is going to be a sonic & sega all stars racing transformed
the full game is coming on october 2007 sonic test run full version is never coming
Sonic the Hedgehog will kiss her in the new sega movie coming out
There is not going to be any 2010 Sonic movie coming out. Wherever you heard it from, it is false. Hope that helps.
Sonic the werehog is new,and of course!
No, the only Sonic movie ever is Sonic the Hedgehog the movie.
Sonic colors and sonic free riders
It probably Won't Come out sorry sega and sonic team have a copyright thing going on ATM so yea If it is real 2010 is release
sonic Rider Zero Gravity noob
Wave warrior sonic 2 is coming in 2016
No, Sonic Team failed
there is sonic adventure 3
A sequel to Sonic Heroes has not been announced.
there is no sonic heroes 2.