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I heard of a single player version of Tribal Wars. i thinks it's in Romanian. im not sure if and English version is coming out.

Apart from that I havn't heard heard from any single player ones, only online based ones...

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Q: Is there a single player game similar to Evony or Tribal Wars?
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What is the player density by state on evony ss14?

Depends on what state

What games are like evony?

One company that makes a great deal of games similar to Evony is GameForge DE, who make the grandfather of online games like Evony, called Ogame. The most similar one to Evony is Ikariam. In both cases, don't expect games to come to any kind of conclusion. server 1 of Ogame formed in 2002 and has been running since.

What is the website that you can get player coordinates in evony?

You can get player coordinates in Evony by using the in-game map feature. Simply click on a player's city to view its coordinates. Additionally, some player alliances may have external websites or tools that provide more detailed information on player coordinates.

If you are a player on Evony how do you get on?

By logging in through the Evony main page, and selecting a server; then logging in on that server. Alternatively, you could log in directly to the server you want to play on.

How do you get more than 10 letters in your evony name?

Access Evony through a Facebook account. There's how people create those long player names that also include spaces. You can't create them directly within Evony.

How do you restart your game on evony?

If you are considering restarting your game in Evony, it's very simple. All you have to do is click your player avatar (the picture of a person) at the top right of the Evony window, and at the bottom it says "Restart Game". Hope this helps!

Can you have intercourse in evony?

No, you idiot. It's an online multiplayer strategy game. Similar to age of empires.

How do you dump honor in Evony Age II?

loose alot of troops in a single successful battle

How many people play evony?

There is no exact number of players who currently play Evony as it can vary over time. Evony is a popular strategy game with a dedicated player base, but specific player numbers are not publicly disclosed by the game developers.