Sorry, there aren't any shortcuts. What did you expect? College is kind of the whole point of the game-- that's why it's called Sims 2 University :) If you want to play the game without the tediousness of studying, doing homework, etc. then I recommend buying the base game (The Sims 2).
You can download them from the Mod the Sims website, either look through the pets section or type horses in the search box for quicker results.
Laundry is only available through the Sims 3 Ambitions or University Life expansion packs, or if you purchase washers and dryers from the Sims store.
the sims 2 University takes up 944 MB of space
Lots are out. The sims 3 university, sims 3 nightlife, sims 3 adventures, sims 3 generations... you name it!
All sims in sims 3 can become cheerleaders in the university life. Sims 3 is just like real life, cheerleaders are not made but discovered within certain people.
You can download them from the Mod the Sims website, either look through the pets section or type horses in the search box for quicker results.
Load into the collage b4 you move a sim there so you don't waste your sims money. Doors can normally not be changed because it is a dorm.
Yes.You must have The Sims 2 University to get zombies.
Make them work harder or give them the meglomatic trait.
Laundry is only available through the Sims 3 Ambitions or University Life expansion packs, or if you purchase washers and dryers from the Sims store.
If you have a Vampire sim. I know this from experience. :)
The sims 2 university is where you can make your sims go to college. Your sims has to take exams and write papers study and complete goals that you have been assigned to do.
google "sims 2 university code"
the sim or sims go back to the neighborhood. they usually are in the the family bin.
Go to the university neighborhood then from there go to create a sim and then you can create up to eight students.
the sims 2 University takes up 944 MB of space