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there was a glitch of getting a blue party hat in runescape the way u did it was get enough runes to use the tele grab go to dranor and pay the bank guard 50 gp to see the film of the bank getting robbed and when the wise old man tele grabs the blue party hat u do to so u get it but i think it has been patched

thanx for listening bye :)

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Q: Is there a glitch of getting a party hat in runescape?
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What is the price for a white party hat on RuneScape?

White party hats don't exist on Runescape. they do exist and its about 2bil good luck in getting one

How do you make a party hat on the updated runescape?

You can't.

Is it possible to make a party hat on runescape?

No you can't make party hat on runescape, they were from a Christmas event a long time ago, if you want a party hat you have to buy one from the GE in varrock, although it would be very expensive.

In RuneScape how do you make a partyhat?

Unfortunately, you cannot make a Party Hat (of any colour). They were given out when RuneScape first came out.

Is it possible to make a party hat in RuneScape?

Lol, no it isn't possible to make party hats on runescape, sadly. They are strictly a discontinued item that was made during the classic times of runescape. They were in "Christmas Crackers" that you popped, and it gave you a party hat.

How do you get a party hat in RuneScape classic?

in the runescape classic, a player could get a party hat buy using a Christmas cracker on another player. The user of the cracker gets a random coloured party hat, while the one used on gets a less valuable item. Unfortunately, in the re-openings of Runescape classic, it is impossible to get one because they were dropped randomly on Christmas of 2001.. In modern Runescape, it is nearly IMPOSSIBLE to find a Christmas cracker, however, people still have party hats, which are also nearly impossible to get a hold of. So my friend, you're chances of getting a party hat are very low.

Can you get a free party hat on runescape?

You can't but if in a drop party possible you can get 1

How do you get a party hat for free in runescape?

You can't. Poeple got them from an old Christmas event, and now you can get them only by buying them for a hefty price of over 500M.Edit: There was a Blue partyhat Glitch in 2008 where you can Use telekinetic grab on in at a direct moment, and you get the Partyhat.Unfortunately, Jagex removed the glitch later on.

Can you use shears on a chefs hat on runescape?

no, people may say that it makes a party hat but it doesn't!

How do you get free p hat in RuneScape?

Getting a free party hat in Runescape is very unlikely. Party hats are rare items and are no longer obtainable. Party hats are worth billions of GP. There is a very slim chance that if a person quits Runescape, he or she will have a drop party in the Falador party room, and if this person was rich, he may add such items to the chest. This would be the only way to get a free party hat, but it is highly unlikely because there would be so many people in the party room at the same time, that it makes it even a slimmer chance that you would be the person who gets the item.

Can you make a party hat in RuneScape?

No, you cannot make partyhats in RuneScape.

Was a party hat a holiday event on runescape?

2001 Christmas holiday event.