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A fruit beginning with x is Xigua which is looks similar to a watermelon, only shorter in size. x

Not sure about these: xerophyte - a plant that loses very little water and can grow in deserts; xeromorph - a plant that is adapted to salt-water marshes; and, xylocarp - a hard and woody fruit. x

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Q: Is there a fruit or vegetable beginning with the letter X?
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Is xylocarp a fruit or vegetable?

Xylocarp is actually a fruit! I couldn't believe when i found out there was actually a fruit beginning with 'X'! Hope this helps x

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Some fruits beginning with the letter X:XerophyteXigua - A watermelon type of fruit.XilangXimenia caffra fruitXo-mo-tri, an ancient Chinese fruit from the Swang-zchen province.Xylocarp: A hard woody fruit that grows on trees

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