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Jaffa Orange xylocarp - Hard Woody Fruit

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Q: Fruit or vegetable begins by x or j?
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What type of fruit or vegetable begins with the letter x?


Fruit or vegetable starting with the letter x?

Xigua is a fruit.

Fruit or Vegetable atarting with the Letter X?

xigua is a fruit

Is there a vegetable that begins with X?

yes a xuga

Fruit or vegetable that begins with an X?

No vegetable starts with qux. The leaf and the root of the ullucus are an edible vegetable. As for q, there is quinoa, which is a grain, so I suppose that might be classed as a vegetable.

Is xylocarp a fruit or vegetable?

Xylocarp is actually a fruit! I couldn't believe when i found out there was actually a fruit beginning with 'X'! Hope this helps x

Is there a fruit or vegetable that begegins with the letters x or z?


What fruit from Vietnam begins with the letter x?

Xoai: mango.

What fruit names start with the letter x?

Хлеб (bread), for example.

What are some fruits that begins with x and z?

Xigua is a fruit. It is a type of watermelon. Zucchini is a fruit.

Is there any fruit or vegetable that the names begin with x and z?

· xigua · zucchini

What fruit begins with x from Vietnam?

Xoai is a fruit grown in Vietnam. It is the Vietnamese language name of a mango.