No, there isn't a free roam in land of the dead. Although there is tons of missions.
No, Dead Space 2 does not have a free roam mode. You can however start a new game+ from the menu that carries over the weapons, suits, ammo, credits and power nodes from the last save.
Yes, L.A. Noire is a free roam game.
You can free roam in LA Noire at any time, but if you do so during cases, it will affect your rating if you cause chaos and damage. If you want to truly free roam, complete one of the ranks and you will unlock a cost free roam. For example, complete Traffic Desk and you will get to free roam in that rank. Complete Homicide Desk and you will unlock free roam in that rank, etc.
You can free-roam every time you complete a detective 'desk' of cases. For example when you complete the Traffic cases, you can free roam to do the Traffic street crimes.
it certainly is! once you beat the 2nd thingy then u will get a text and the subject will bee free roam. after that, go to career and load urs. then free roam is thr 2nd on the list!
I don't think Red Dead Revolver is, but Red Dead Redemption is.
you do not level up on single-player free roam on Red Dead Redemption.
yes but it is nowhere near as big as in red dead redemption
yes you can everything.
Just go onto multiplayer and join a free roam session.
Yes and you get to improve on your profile.
only if u have XboxLIVE
No, Dead Space 2 does not have a free roam mode. You can however start a new game+ from the menu that carries over the weapons, suits, ammo, credits and power nodes from the last save.
No you can not
free roam should be available almost immediately in the game
Fight gangs
You find them all around the map