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A chip that lets you play pirated copied games? There are a few out i believe and the best ones are still in the works. DO NOT BOTHER BUYING ANY OF THEM. Why? Sony will release updates to mess up the chip AND the pirated game so they both stop working. Get wii or 360 if you want a chip.

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Q: Is there a chip for PS3?
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Can you chip PS3?


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Can PS3 be chipped?

Sorry unforunately not because when you play PS3 online sonu detects your chip

Can you play madden3 on the PlayStation 2?

no u cant play its a ps3 game. to play it u will get a chip called ps3 mod chip which is to be inserted in ur ps2 then only it will work

Can you trade in a Xbox 360 for a ps3 at Gamestop?

Yes you can but you may need to chip in a couple of more bucks to get the ps3

Can you buy ps3 games overseas and do you need a chip to play them?

yes the sell PS3 games and consoles worldwide

How do you chip a PS3?

reckon you would have to go to a dodgy game store.

Can you download PS3 games to disc if you rent the game out or do you need to chip it?

I hear that a blu-ray burner and a certain software that you can buy will allow you to successfully burn PS3 games without needing a chip (since a real mod-chip doesn't exist for the PS3 yet)....can't put my finger on the name of the software though especially considering this is an illegal topic.

How do you install ps2 chip in 40 gb PS3?

You can't. If you want to play PS2 games on a PS3 then you have to Purchase an old PS3 with 4 USB ports and hope it doesn't break.

Can a chipped ps2 play PS3 games?

No you can not get a chip, the PS2 could not read PS3 blue-Ray game discs and could not play them if it could read them. A PS3 is the only game console that can play PS3 games.

How much does a mod chip cost?

get ps3 and find hacker in mw2 and buy for 10$

Where to find all sonic unleashed video tapes ps3?

for ps3 and xbox 360 version for bonus give chip food in these places :chun nan, adabat, and holoska. for ps2 and wii look carefully.