hey add my friend code my name is kawaun and the friend code is 4039 7191 5602 and all u have to do is get the pokeradar and go south of route 210 and use it. you should use an max repel first so no weak poemon can come in
if there was one i need it
light Pokemon- none. Shiny Pokemon there's a cheat...
its 9098213jljuipo0-0010
you gotta cheat with cheat code kay? happy now good!
you need the modidfier cheat code for it.
no cheat for platinum
You have to use a cheat code.
if there was one i need it
they are different for each ds
light Pokemon- none. Shiny Pokemon there's a cheat...
its 9098213jljuipo0-0010
Not unless you have a cheat code.
I dont think there is one
really long