go 2 solaceon town, and go into the house next 2 the Pokemon center, and talk 2 the man with glasses. keep on getting the Pokemon he asks 4, and soon you'll be getting master balls, or win the lottery in jubilife city. i suggest u try both daily. good luck!
You don't need Action Replay to get a shiny on Pokemon Pokemon platinum as IT WILL MESS UP YOUR GAME all you need to do is use the Masuda method.Method one involves:Obtaining a Pokemon from a game that is of a different nationality to your own game and breading it and your Pokemon at the daycare in Solaceon Town this greatly increases the chance of getting a shiny Pokemon.Method two involves:Using the poke radar consecutively (about 40 times). A shiny Pokemon is distinguished by a piece of grass that glowsFor more information visit bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net
go to codejunkies.com and look up Pokemon platinum if its not there then go to supercheats.com search for Pokemon platinum and click on the ar codes button
There is no way of getting a Charizard in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl or Platinum. You can transfer a Charmander from Fire Red to your copy of Pokemon Diamond, Pearl or Platinum. A Charmander, Charmillion and Charizard can all be found in Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver as a wild pokemon.
Very rare
go 2 solaceon town, and go into the house next 2 the Pokemon center, and talk 2 the man with glasses. keep on getting the Pokemon he asks 4, and soon you'll be getting master balls, or win the lottery in jubilife city. i suggest u try both daily. good luck!
U will never get them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You don't need Action Replay to get a shiny on Pokemon Pokemon platinum as IT WILL MESS UP YOUR GAME all you need to do is use the Masuda method.Method one involves:Obtaining a Pokemon from a game that is of a different nationality to your own game and breading it and your Pokemon at the daycare in Solaceon Town this greatly increases the chance of getting a shiny Pokemon.Method two involves:Using the poke radar consecutively (about 40 times). A shiny Pokemon is distinguished by a piece of grass that glowsFor more information visit bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net
go to codejunkies.com and look up Pokemon platinum if its not there then go to supercheats.com search for Pokemon platinum and click on the ar codes button
Sorry. You cannot obtain Lugia in Platinum. You have to trade it from HGSS.
You can't sorry. Try getting Pokemon platinum or pearl.
Hey pplz if you're interested in getting Pokemon Platinum, (I'm getting it too) it's this Sunday March 21. So excited! ;) submitted by Olivictor
the chance of getting a shiny Pokemon is 1/8496.
as long as the event is still going on, there is a way. it involves getting the same "event gift" in Pokemon diamond/pearl and trading to Pokemon platinum.
There is no way of getting a Charizard in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl or Platinum. You can transfer a Charmander from Fire Red to your copy of Pokemon Diamond, Pearl or Platinum. A Charmander, Charmillion and Charizard can all be found in Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver as a wild pokemon.
Very rare
The Pokemon Lapras a water type Pokemon is the 131 Pokemon on platinum and can be found on Victory Road after getting past the guy standing in front of the doorway inside the cave.