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Q: Is there a Pokemon region called fallon?
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What region are you in in Pokemon diamond?

In Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum the region is called Sinnoh.

Why isn't there a Pokemon game for the hoen region?

there is.... its called Pokemon emerald, Pokemon ruby, and Pokemon sapphire.... there all in the hoen region

Is there a Pokemon region called issue?

No, it is called Isshu.

Is there a Pokemon region called Acanthite?

No, there is no Pokémon region that is called Acanthite.

How many types of pokémon are there and what are they called in pokémon black?

There are 17 types of pokemon, and the region in pokemon black is the unova region. there are 646 total pokemon. there are 153 pokemon in the unova region

What will the next region be called on Pokemon black and white?

I do know from it is called Isshu Region.

What is the region called on Pokemon FireRed?

It's Kanto. ;)

Pokemon fifth Generation?

The 5th generation region is called the Isshu region. The Isshu starters are Tsutaaja, Pokabu, and Mijumaru. The first games to feature the Isshu region and 5th generation Pokemon is called Pokemon Black and white versions in japan.

What Pokemon region is after unova?

Chronologically, Unova is the last region as of Generation V. I have to disagree with you on that. There is talk that a new region called the Outpherm region will be the sixth generation of pokemon

What will the next region be called on Pokemon black and white only answer if you know the name?

The Kanoa Region

What is the new Pokemon region called x?

It is not called Region X, that is the game (Pokemon X and Y). The region is called "Generation VI" because no name has been officially released.Check my page for news, rumors, announcements on Gen 6. Spread the word!!OP6

What will the next pokemon region be called?

There is no known new region name for the Pokemon gen 6. However Game Freak has confirmed that they will be making more pokemon games. Submitted by: MeowMixTiger