Yes there is a Hikaru no Go game on the ds. The only problem is that it's only a Japanese title now.
You simply smell your ds 5 times and go away for five minutes after that go back to your ds and he won't be there!
easy all you have to do is go to a new game
you can't go online on your DS LITE. But you can go online on your DSi & DSiXL. On DS LITE you could only play against others online on a DS game that goes online. Only for battles. No Internet.
you can go to Toys r us and they have ds download stations but the games wont stay on your ds. you can go but so far before the game cuts off.
To get demos you have to go in a game store like toysrus,walmart,and radioshack and so on.when you are in a game store turn on your dsi or ds lite go to ds download play.wait for a minute a blue screen will pop will have lots of ds games including 7 new game can also use a computer to get demos or full I'll show you how to use a wii wit it.on your wii go to ds download service and pick yo game and put on your ds lite or dsi ds download play and wait and you'll have it.
There's a slot on the top of the DS, this is slot-1, and it's where DS game cartridges go.
Hikaru Utada goes by Hikki, and Cubic U.
Hikaru no go - 2001 is rated/received certificates of: South Korea:12
Go to a local game stop and bring your ds and download.
It depends. Are you talking about what age, what volume....?
yes i think so. it can definitely go on the ds lite for sure:)
You can read the Hikaru no Go manga at any store that sells books, like Borders or Barnes & Noble.
Nope. Hikaru no Go has 75 episodes, 76 if you count the New Year TV special.
go to buy it at market
Hikaru no Go isn't on TV, but you can watch it on DVD, and online at Hulu, Anime News Network, and VizAnime.
You simply smell your ds 5 times and go away for five minutes after that go back to your ds and he won't be there!
By connecting on the download on your DS