When connecting my PS3 wirelessly I found better results to maintain the connection with the additional of security restrictions. When I put password and security on the router and into the network settings for the PS3 the PS3 become connected faster and not break connection which sometimes happened before the security was added. However a wired connection gave me even greater speeds on the PS3 connection tests and so I went with the best connection possible a wired connection. I made the same sort of decision on the HDMI cable when I purchased a higher quality Sony cable to connect it to the Sony HDTV.
You can use a wireless connection if you have a wireless router
already have a wireless connection
To set up wireless internet on your PS3 first make sure that you have a wireless network with a internet connection. Go into the XMB and choose Settings>Network Settings>Set Up Connection. Follow the instructions on screen making sure you input valid information. Submit and your PS3 should now be connected to the internet with a wireless connection!
You can not share your phone wireless internet with your PS3. The PS3 will search for a WiFi connection and if one is found it can be used to connect to the internet. If you have internet service it is not a problem to connect to the PS3
you need to set up your wireless router with your internet connection to your computer, and then search for an access point on the ps3 under internet setting, under set up connection, then just follow the instructions from there
I found I preferred a wired connection, but others may have had different results. I did have a good connection, but I wanted a perfect connection and the best connection. The PS3 connection test showed better results for the wired connection compared to the wireless for the internet connection. For the Bluetooth wireless connection of the controllers and other accessories the PS3 is excellent
The PS3 allows you to connect to an existing wireless connection
You can use a wireless connection if you have a wireless router
No the first part of the connection process on the PS3 searches for an ethernet connection, once it does not find one it then searches for a wireless connection
All PS3 but the first 20 GB model are wireless. That means if you already have a wireless internet connection they can connect to it.
Only for the PS3
Buy a wireless router and hook it to your cable modem. PS3 does not provide broadband you must purchase it
no you need an internet connection with WiFi
already have a wireless connection
You need a WiFi connection to the internet to be able to use the wireless connection in the PS3. For people without one and that already have an internet connection they can purchase a wireless router and connect it to the modem. You can also purchase a router and an ethernet cable and have a wired connection to the internet.
No the PS3 requires a WiFi or ethernet connection
a ps3 does not come with a wireless router It comes with the ability to connect to a wireless router or modem or with an ethernet cable. No other kind of internet connection to the PS3 is possible. For instance you would not be able to plug something into the USB port to use for an internet connection.