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already have a wireless connection

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Q: What is an easy way to get online for ps3?
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What are the advantages of a PlayStation?

free online games that are only out on ps3 easy to use

Can you go on xbox live with PS3?

No. The only way to play online on the PS3 is through the PlayStation Network (PSN).

Is PS3 online play free?

Yes it is ,its way better than the Xbox because it costs on their and you need a membership as well annoying! Ps3 has better online AND free!

Don't you need a wireless network for the PS3?

You do not need a wireless network for the PS3. The PS3 can be connected via ethernet cable as well. And is the best way to connect the PS3 to online to prevent the possibility of lag when playing online. You can also use the PS3 without the Online connection to Play games, DVDs and Blu-Ray Discs, but the online connection does help with updates besides allowing the use of the PlayStation Network, Store and online gaming.

Is Naruto PS3 project online?

Naruto PS3 Project will be online.

Do you pay for broadband with PS3 online?

No, PS3 online is 100% free.

Can you have 2 online accounts for the PS3?

No. If you create another user on your system you can. But that is the only way.

In svr 2010 does ps2 have the same graphics as xbox360 and ps3?

no they will not because sony and xbox has been upgraded id say you need to get ps3 cause a. ps3 has the best graphics xbox you have to pay for online you no i was talking bout that on my page ps3 mite be having to pay for online to idk why but anyways id say u need to get a ps3 online and come talk to me my screen name is lilkaruzis23 kayy and by the way ps3 can have web cams xbox cant HAHA EVERYBODY THAT HAS PS3 ONLINE BAN WITH ME(: ADD ME LILKARUZIS23!!!!! KEEP PS3 @ THE TOP!!!!

Direct connection online through modem on ps3?

Just connect the PS3 to the Modem with a ethernet cable go to your settings menu and make the internet connection Fast easy and no WiFi

How do you download gta 5 for free on the ps3?

You cannot download GTA V for free on the ps3.

Is the PS3 store on your PS3 or do you have to do it on your computer?

the ps3 store i use it directly on my ps3, i am not sure if you can use it online though The PS3 PlayStation store is available only for the PS3 consoles that have online capability and it is the preferred way to download to your PS3. If your PS3 does not have an internet connection your PS3 can not access or use the PlayStation store . I know procedures exist to allow update information to be downloaded from a computer and moved to the PS3. The best source for procedures is the PlayStation network support at related link

What is a easy way to learn calculis?

An easy way to learn calculus would be to take classes from an online school.