yes. many teachers believe it is an oval, but the letter O is a perfect circle because if it was an oval, it would be confused with a zero.
I'd go with oval or octogon.
oh order of okay ordinary orb optional on oval over ogre orange old or opal ongoing
Open Oath Obey Odor Ogle Okra Omen Omit Onus Ooze Opal Oral Orgy Oust Oval Oven
Things beginning with O: * orange * organ * orchid * oatmeal * over coat * overalls * oval * otter * ox * orchestra * oboe * olive * omelet * outhouse * opal operating system, Oval Office, omen
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern O-T-O-OD-. That is, nine letter words with 1st letter O and 3rd letter T and 5th letter O and 7th letter O and 8th letter D. In alphabetical order, they are: orthopods
A circle has the same diameter around its border, while an oval is longer than its width.
Zero (0) is a number and o is a letter and the way to tell the difference is the zero is bigger than the o and is shaped like a oval, the o is smaller and shaped more like a circle. I hope it helped! =]
It is either a circle or an oval.
in geometry how is a circle different from an oval?
I'd go with oval or octogon.
No. An oval is a streched out circle. A circle is not a regular shape.
A circle has a constant radius whereas an oval does not.
Obtuse, octagon, odd number, one and oval are math terms. They begin with the letter o.
How to Type a CircleYou can type the letter "O" for a circle.
A circle.