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Technically, yes. All of the iron present in the Earth, including that contained within red blood cells was created inside stars. When a type of star known as a Red Giant has turned all of its helium into carbon and oxygen atoms, these atoms then begin to turn into iron. When most of the star's atoms become iron, the star goes supernova - exploding and throwing out oxygen, carbon, and iron atoms far into space. From here, the force of gravity eventually compresses those clouds of atoms into asteroids and planets.

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Q: Is the iron in blood from stars?
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What is the Astronomical origin of iron in your blood?

Iron in your blood comes from supernova explosions. When massive stars run out of fuel and explode, they release elements like iron into space. These elements eventually coalesce into new stars and planets, including Earth, where iron is a crucial component of our blood and hemoglobin.

Is there iron in stars?

Yes, iron is present in stars. Iron is formed in the cores of stars through nuclear fusion processes and is an important element in the life cycle of stars. When a star reaches the end of its life and goes supernova, iron is released into space, where it can be recycled into new stars and planets.

Is there iron in human blood?

Yes there is iron is blood

Where was iron made?

in stars

Is the iron in a car the same as iron in your blood?

The iron used in cars is primarily in the form of steel, which is an alloy of iron and other elements. The iron in your blood is in the form of heme iron, which is bound to hemoglobin in red blood cells to carry oxygen. While both are forms of iron, they serve different purposes and are chemically different.

It is protein in the blood that has iron?

Hemoglobin is a blood protein containing iron.

Is the protein in the blood that has iron?

Hemoglobin is a blood protein containing iron.

What is formed from stars?

All elements up to Iron are produced by smaller stars. heavier elements (everything heavier then iron) are produced from larger stars when they go supernova.

What is stars form?

All elements up to Iron are produced by smaller stars. heavier elements (everything heavier then iron) are produced from larger stars when they go supernova.

When was Blood from Stars created?

Blood from Stars was created on 2009-08-18.

Where is most of the iron in blood located?

Most of the iron in blood is located in red blood cells. Iron helps to bind to oxygen molecules and transport them throughout the body.

Is iron hide stronger than stars cream?

yes iron hide is stronger than stars cream but not in transformers 1