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In a way. The movie, " The Hills Have Eyes", is based on Alexander " Sawney" Bean, a legendary Scottish canninbal. He was the leader of a 48 member clan in 15th-16th century Scotland. It is said he and his clan single- handedly captured, killed, and canninbalised over one- thousand people. They were an inbred clan; he and his wife had 8 sons, six daughters, eighteen grandsons, and fourteen grandaughters. They lived in caves, only coming out during the night to find their victims. They would take the bodies back to the caves and dismember them. The villagers noticed the missing people, but the clan was so secretive that did not realize that the forty-eight murderers lived so close by. People noticed the cave, but decided that no human could live in it, and brushed it off. One night, the Beans ambushed a newlywed couple. They mauled the poor woman, but the man was skilled in combat, and managed to hold them off as a large group of villagers appeared. The Beans fled at their appearance. King James VI was alerted, and lead a manhunt of four- hundred men and dogs to find the canninbals. The Beans were captured and executed without trial. The mens' hands and feet were cut off, and they were left to bleed to death. The women and children were burned alive. Some historians believe this to be only a legend... And so this is the legend of Sawney Bean, on which " The Hills Have Eyes" was based.

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