

Best Answer


well up there wasn't a VeRy good answer..


The best part is *drum roll* flipnote studio!!! well, it's mine..

most people either like the game slot, or sounds

with the dsi sound you can record your voice and make it high, low, fast, or slow! you can even make your voice sound like a robot! or like there's a couple of people saying what you recorded!

the dsi camera: take pics of stuff, distort them, graffiti on em' and change their color

flipnote studio: make animations

post them on flipnote hatena, and get stars! DONT BEG FOR THEM IT RUINS HATENA!

well... yep that's the dsi!

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Q: Is the dsi good
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i would get a dsi dsi i have one and its really good

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I think that is good idea but I think that It will not go on DSI.

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dsi is the best and psp is not so good

Where do you get the cartoon maker on the Dsi from?

To get the Nintendo DSI animation download (its called flipnote) you need to download it from DSI shop. The good things is that its free!

What is so good about the Nintendo DSi XL that is better than a Nintendo DSi?

only that dsi XL is larger in size and so is the screen

Do r4's work on dsi XL?

There are 5 main flash carts for the DSi & DSi XL:Acekard 2i (good)Supercard DSOnei (good)EZ Flash ViDSTTiR4iiEDGE (good) Also, all the flash cards support DSi firmware v1.4Always buy from authorized retailers.Also, R4 XL card support Nintendo DSi V1.4.2.R4i Gold and R4i SDHC support Nintendo DSi V1.4.2 and 3DS.

Where to get a dsi router?

Its not called a DSi router its any old router I got one for my DSi But i recommend getting a linksys G wireless router they work good

Should you get a dsi or wii sports resort?

That's a good question. but, If i were you i would take DSi. Hope i helped

What makes the DSi so good?

It has a camera! Duhhh!

What is the worst colored dsi in the us?

There isn't a worst coloured DSi, how good or bad a colour is, is just a matter of opinion.

IPod Touch or Nintendo DSi?

weird.. I have both! I would say dsi.. the itouch is only good for apps and crud..