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Games can take a long time to develop. Triple A games created by massive companies sell quite a lot of copies if they are popular enough, like Call of Duty or Battlefield. However, they also cost a lot as they require large teams to cover main components of the game such as design, programming, and visuals. Once in a while however, small teams called indie developers can become popular through media and sell a large amount of copies as well. This is not too common as they are often under funded and as such, features may be lacking. Indie games who become popular usually incorporates a cool new idea fresh and different from triple A titles. Short-answer: You'll need some help and experience to reach that first.

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Nannie Turcotte

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βˆ™ 2y ago
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βˆ™ 7y ago

Games can take a long time to develop. Triple A games created by massive companies sell quite a lot of copies if they are popular enough, like Call of Duty or Battlefield. However, they also cost a lot as they require large teams to cover main components of the game such as design, programming, and visuals. Once in a while however, small teams called indie developers can become popular through media and sell a large amount of copies as well. This is not too common as they are often under funded and as such, features may be lacking. Indie games who become popular usually incorporates a cool new idea fresh and different from triple A titles. Short-answer: You'll need some help and experience to reach that first.

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Q: Is the belief that one can get rich by inventing games an erroneous?
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Is the belief that one can get rich by inventing games erroneous one why or why not?

No, because if a company puts a lot of money into a new game that fails to sale the company can and probably will go bankrupt.

Is the belief that one can get rich by inventing games an mistake?

Yes, that is a mistake. One can get rich by SELLING games.

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No, because if a company puts a lot of money into a new game that fails to sale the company can and probably will go bankrupt.

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No, because if a company puts a lot of money into a new game that fails to sale the company can and probably will go bankrupt.

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Is the belief that one can get rich by inventing games an erroneous on?

Games can take a long time to develop. Triple A games created by massive companies sell quite a lot of copies if they are popular enough, like Call of Duty or Battlefield. However, they also cost a lot as they require large teams to cover main components of the game such as design, programming, and visuals. Once in a while however, small teams called indie developers can become popular through media and sell a large amount of copies as well. This is not too common as they are often under funded and as such, features may be lacking. Indie games who become popular usually incorporates a cool new idea fresh and different from triple A titles. Short-answer: You'll need some help and experience to reach that first.

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