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no. also about saving the world

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Q: Is sonic unleashed just about finding moon and sun stones?
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Will a sonic unleashed 2 come out?

Not proven so, but most likely no, as it was just a one timer with Sonic as a werehog, I do think it is canon but, there will not be a direct Sonic Unleashed sequel. Cross your fingers that once Sonic 4 is done they will make a Sonic game with similar styles to Unleashed.

What are all the games from Sega that have sonic the werehog?

So far just sonic unleashed.

How do you be shadow in sonic unleashed?

Hacking or just texture manipulations

Will sonic unleashed be for 2 people?

no its just for one player

Where can you get sonic blitz unleashed?

There is no such thing, wherever you got that info from is a liar. The "blitz" part is probably a fan game but not very likely. there is a ENGINE called sonic blitz unleashed but it not a game but its free and you can get it on you-tube just type in sonic blitz 3d unleashed.

Can Sonic do light dash in Sonic Unleashed?

Yes he can. Just 'sonic boost' after touching the first ring in a chain of rings... Hope this helps!

Which is better - Sonic unleashed or Sonic colors?

Depends on your choice. At sonic unleashed WII/PS2 version is sonic colours surely better. At sonic unleashed XBOX360/PS3 version it depends on what you like, the most will like sonic colours more where it's more based on speed. At sonic unleashed you have a lot of werehog stages which are slowly and in my opinion very good, but doesn't fit in a sonic game. This is just an opinion of me, maybe you think different about it so to find that out you can watch some gameplay movies on youtube. ;)

Is it possible to turn into Super Sonic at the beginning or middle of Sonic Unleashed using cheatcodes?

Nope, just and texture remodels.

How do you get sonic unleashed on onlive?

You don't, there are just some games that you can't play on onlive

Will there be chao gardens in Sonic unleashed?

Yes there is. Whoever answered this answered WRONG there is no chao garden in Sonic Unleashed just a mission on the 360 and the ps3 version where you must rescue chao in Spagonia ~ Yourstrulyman88

Where can you find boss battle night record in sonic unleashed?

well i haven't played sonic unleashed for awhile so when i play it I'll tell ya ;) fyi just saying I'm not a dude -_-

How does chip die in sonic unleashed the game?

Well chip does not actually die he just gets sealed within the plant along with dark chip does not die on sonic unleashed:)and its a good thang because hes cute.