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Q: Is shiftry a legendary Pokemon
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Related questions

What type of Pokemon is shiftry?

Shiftry is a Grass and Dark type pokemon.

What Pokemon evolves with the grass stone in Pokemon sapphire?

Nuzleaf into Shiftry

How do you get shiftry on Pokemon Platinum?

Shiftry cannot be obtained on Platinum unless you trade him from the Pal Park or evolve a Nuzleaf, who can be found on Routes 210 and 229 when Pokemon Ruby is in the GBA slot.

How do you get shiftry on Pokemon ruby?

you get shiftry by using a leaf stone on a nuzleaf . P.S- does anyone have a lugia they can trade for an infernape, level 82?

What is the national pokedex number for Shiftry?

Shellder is #90 in the national pokedex, and it is a Water type Pokemon.

What Pokemon can you use leafstone?

Evolves Grass-Type Pokemon (Nuzleaf-Shiftry, Gloom-Vileplume).

Is shadinja a legendary Pokemon?

It is a rare pokemon, but it is not a legendary pokemon

Is Unknown a legendary Pokemon?

Unknown is not a legendary Pokemon but it is considered rare. Legendary Pokemon are one of a kinds.

Is lileep a legendary pokemon?

no lileep is not a legendary pokemon but it is an ancient pokemon

Where do you get legendary pokemon on pokemon pearl?

The legendary is palkia

Is Noivern a legendary Pokemon?

Noivern is not a Legendary Pokemon.

Is sawk a legendary Pokemon?

Is sawk a legendary pokemon??