it is a bad word in spanish
yes he is attacking jenny and the pegasaz because sham is in love with jenny and max took her away from sham
"nigger" is probably the bad n- word you are looking for. It is a demeaning and offensive word for an African-American.
You go to chat and type a Bad Word but if you type a Bad Word you will get a Warning. Even Lay Down doesant work but if u type a Bad Word and 1 you wont get a warning it's a cheat but the S word does'nt work at all but it's bad to curse at all times even on diffent times.
well look at you,you're are steeling answers.sham, are a bad can answer this,how hard it is look it up gosh!:(Sham,sham,sham.
sham payne
5.Ram and Sham are friends
Everyone thought he was wealthy and had a great job but now they had found out that it was not true and that it was all a sham.
Sham sham sham sham sham!
...clam... sham, them
Two. Sham-poo.
The word "sham" dates back to the 1670's. It refers to a trick, hoax, or fraud. Pillow-sham dates back to 1721 and translates to false front because they are meant to look like something other than an ordinary pillow case.
sham means night.
fake, false deceptive, illusory, to name a few
A boudoir sham is another word for a pillow sham. Pillow shams are used in interior decorating and are part of the bed ensemble scheme. Shams, coverlets and bed skirts are made in the same pattern and fabric to enhance the room's decor.
fake, counterfeit, sham, imitation, falsification, copy, phony