It's not precious at all, its just a game, not a ring.
Sapphire and Ruby are almost the same, just with different Legendary pokemons. for example in Ruby is latios, in Sapphire is latias.
i would recommend Emerald, because it is Sapphire and Ruby combined.
In terms of value and rarity, ruby is generally considered more precious than sapphire. Rubies are highly sought after for their intense red color, and high-quality specimens can fetch very high prices at auction. Sapphires, on the other hand, are also highly valued, but are typically less expensive than rubies due to their greater availability. However, both ruby and sapphire are considered precious gemstones, and their value depends on factors such as color, clarity, size, and cut.
The ruby and sapphire are on fire red and leaf green don't worry about the in ruby sapphire or emerald.
Pokemon Ruby has Pokemon that Pokemon Sapphire does not and Pokemon Sapphire has Pokemon that Pokemon Ruby does not.
there is no professor oak in ruby and sapphire
Ruby/Sapphire/Leaf Green/Fire Red/and i think Emerald. if not, trade from emerald to Ruby/Sapphire, and from ruby/sapphire to leaf green. You need to have the Sapphire and Ruby before you trade. you get these after the elite four.
You can't. You can only get jirachi in ruby and sapphire. You would have to trade from ruby or sapphire.
Red ruby
Diamonds, Sapphire, Emerald, Ruby
5 precious stones I know are the Diamond, Ruby, Emerald, Sapphire, and Opal.
A diamond, ruby or sapphire is said to be a "precious" stone. An amethyst is said to be a "semiprecious" stone. Semiprecious objects are therefore less valuable than precious ones.
Diamond ruby Sapphire Emerald Aquamarine spinel tourmaline etc
The term 'Semi-precious gemstone' is an old one that referred to any gem that is not diamond, ruby, sapphire or emerald. In modern times, this distinction does not reflect a gemstone's value, some semi-precious stones can be worth more than precious ones.
No. Sapphire is a precious stone.
The ruby and sapphire are on fire red and leaf green don't worry about the in ruby sapphire or emerald.
Amethyst, Topaz, Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald. I'm not sure if there are any more. Feel free to add any more.
Combined with the sapphire the ruby and sapphire will allow you to trade with ruby and sapphire and emerald.
Ruby is a precious stone.