Rappelz is a very safe game to play. If the game was downloaded by a reputable site, there should be no need to worry about any kind of virus.
Apparently North of Siren Island in Laksy East
Yes club penguin is a very safe game for kids there is safe chat on there so you can put that on and if it is not on safe chat penguins do not say rude things
Yes, I've been using Game Maker for a long time and it's 100% safe.
It is completetly safe 100%. All files are checked.
Game Maker from YoYoGames does not contain any type of virus. It is a safe program, and safe to download and install.
You can't find a yeti this is about Pixie Hollow not Rappelz!
Rappelz was created in 2006.
Rappelz happened in 2006.
You can play Rappelz the original version in the Philippines, but you cant play the RappelzSEA version anymore cause the game is closing down; probably because there was not good response.
I play the game Rappelz and i am a lvl 38 Strider.. You cant use Passive skills... Passive skills just increase your stats and ur ability to do certain thing.
Rappelz is an MMORPG based with magic and other stuff. i dunnno look it up
Rappelz, Cabal, FF online the only good nominations
Rappelz is a free MMO (massive multiplayer online) role playing game. If your computer meets the necessary requirements you can enjoy the game. Many players who wish to upgrade faster will opt to pay for extra gold (either direct through the game or through 3rd parties.)
near the salamander habitat near laskey and i dont know where else
T for Teen
Rappelz is fun when you train your pets or do missions. When you first start its kind of boring because they teach you how to play and you are really weak.
1.5gb or so