it has shut down because of all the hackers they messed up the network for PlayStation 3 it will be back on as soon as they fix the problem and find the hackers
Turning off your system actually puts it in standby. Simply push the power button and the PS3 will go to standby. You can also select shut down PS3 in the PS3 menus to shut the system down to standby mode.
Ps network down for maintainence
The network is down and the related question has the latest status
The network is down and the related question will have the latest status
This error occurs when the PS3 is down for maintenance. On March 9, 2011, the Network will be down most of the day for routine maintenance.
That the network was shut down. The related question will get the latest status
The network was shut down the related question has the latest information
The network has been shut down. See related question for current information
The network was shut down and the related question has more information
Sony shut down the network after an attack on April 20 2011. When they know when the network will be up or have other information to share it will be posted under the related questionSee related question
it is not just maintenance that shut the network down. The related question will be updated with the latest information
Because the network has been shut down. The related question has the latest status
It was from April 20 2011 when the PlayStation network was shut down for a few weeks
someone broke in their network and they had to shut down
you cant. you can try a system update, but no 100 percent sure it will work. otherwise, just wait The network was shut down and it is not the fault of your PS3. The related question has links and what little information is available
The PlayStation network was shut down because of an Intrusion and it is not known when it will be back up. The related question will be updated with current information as it becomes available
Turning off your system actually puts it in standby. Simply push the power button and the PS3 will go to standby. You can also select shut down PS3 in the PS3 menus to shut the system down to standby mode.