Prestige mode removes all perks, weapons and kill streaks leaving only your accolades. What prestige mode does is shows other players that you reached the highest level and started again from the bottom, thus proclaiming your l33tness.
Probably not, but hay? Maybe.
To get to the first prestige in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, you must reach level 70 on online multiplayer, then complete the XP for Level 70, then go to the Baracks in the lobby and there will be for choices that you will be able to select. Challenges, Accolades, Leaderboards and Prestige Mode. Select Prestige Mode and keep pressing to appropriate choice until you have prestige, you should have a new badge next to your name and should by Level 1 again. Hope this helped. :)
Call of Duty : World at War and Call of Duty : Black Ops both have nazi zombies modes.
does not exist in cod4.......your thinking of cod5:World At War There is no zombie mode in call of duty 4 giuhkh
The related link lists the 8 maps currently out for the Call of Duty World at War (1 + 3 in Map Packs) and Call of Duty Black Ops (3 + 1 in First Strike Map Pack). Only the Hardened or Prestige Edition of Call of Duty Black Ops for the PS3 or Xbox 360 can play seven ( 8 with First Strike Map Pack) of those Maps. Zombie Maps have had successful sales and therefore will continue to be released as they are developed. Expect the next release later this spring for Call of Duty Black Ops
Prestige mode is a mode online where you rank up and start all over from lvl one but this time with a symbol. It is used to show how high you are in rank and I guess how good you are. The max is 10th prestige.
when you get to level 65 you then have the option to do it all over agen and then you frends no how good you are.
Yes, and it will likely go to 15.
prestige mode is basically trading all your earned weapons and returning to level 1 for a different emblem. you can prestige 10 times.
Yes when you do prestige mode it restarts your create a class and your weapons.
If you go prestige you will lose all your wepons, but gain another class every other prestige.
Get to level 65, and go into the Barracks and press Prestige Mode. There is a limit of 10 times to prestige.
you will have to play multi player. and you will have to reach level 50, 14 times to reach prestige.
im not sure of all of them but two of them are: complete ten prestige modes and starting the first prestige mode
The 2 secret achievements in Call Of Duty 5 can be unlocked by reaching prestige 1 and prestige 10 in multiplayer mode. They are called "It's All about Prestige" and "Go Get Some Sun" respectively.Both achievements are worth 0 gamerpoints.
10 prestige level 70 commander