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does not exist in cod4.......your thinking of cod5:World At War There is no zombie mode in Call of Duty 4 giuhkh

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Q: How do you unlock zombie mode on call of duty 4?
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What does zombie mode do on call of duty 4 on ps3?

Call of Duty 4 does not have a zombie mode

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You beat every mission, but you have to be a noob.

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you cannot unlock zombie mode in modern warfare. Zombie mode is only avalible in black ops.

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The WWII version does not contain Nazi Zombies. yes it does

How do you unlock nazi zomie mode on call of duty world at war for the wii?

The only Nintendo Wii Call of Duty Zombie Mode is one map for COD Black Ops. There is nothing to unlock and the Map packs are not available for the Nintendo Wii

Call of duty black ops zombie mode?

It does have a zombie mode and it is really fun.

Can you get zombie mode on Call of Duty 4?


Is there a Nazi zombies in Call of Duty 2?

No. In 2008, Treyark introduced the all new zombie mode to be in Call Of Duty: World At War (Cod5). Zombie mode is also in the newest release in the Call of Duty series Call Of Duty: Black Ops, also released by Treyark. So, Call of Duty 2 does not have zombie mode.

Is there any zombie mode for call of duty finest hour?

No, zombie mode is only in Blops.

Is there a cheat to unlock zombie mode without beating campaign in Call of Duty 5 360?

Actually yes.simply get xbox live

How do you unlockzombie mode on call of duty 4?

There is no Zombie mode on CoD4

How do you unlock zombie mode call of duty black ops on xbox 360?

You should already have Zombie mode unlocked. But if you don't see it, go to the main menu and click Zombies. You should now have it.