Both pole and vowel have long o sounds, but they sound differently. The o in pole is pronounced the same way in open, ohm, only, and hotel.
The o sound in vowel is an ow sound as in cow, row, how, crowd and brow.
The vowel O in owl is controlled by the following W, making the vowel neither short or long. It makes the sound OW, as in COW.
Nope, cope, road, choke, hope
The vowels in the English alphabet are a,e,i ,o, and u. None of these have a mark that goes with it. There are vowels that are in other languages that have markings to bring a difference emphasis to the sound of the vowel.
Some words ending in the vowel O are:bongobravohalohelloherojellopianopolopotatoshampoosilosolotattootomatoweirdozero
The vowels in the word "monopoly" are o and y. o is always a vowel, buy y is a vowel here, because it sounds like ee. (lee).
The word "pole" contains a long vowel sound. The "o" in "pole" is pronounced with a long "o" sound, similar to the "o" in "bone" or "mope".
Yes, the word "pole" has a long vowel sound. The "o" in pole is pronounced like the "o" in "doe" or "rope."
No. The OW in bowl has a long O sound (oh), as in goal and pole.
It has a long O vowel sound. It is the only -owl word that has a long O.The homophone is the word boll (rhymes with poll and pole).
The O has a long O vowel sound as in foe and cold.
The O is long vowel sound and I is a short vowel sound
In the word "robot," the vowel "o" makes a short vowel sound.
The word "no" has a short vowel sound. The 'o' in "no" is pronounced as a short /o/ sound.
Yes. The first O has a short O vowel sound.
The short vowel sound in the word "note" is the /o/ sound, pronounced as "ah."
No, the word "fox" does not have a long "o" vowel sound. The "o" in "fox" has a short vowel sound like in the word "box".
No, the word "rose" does not have a long O vowel sound. The O in "rose" is pronounced as a short vowel sound.