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Nope, cope, road, choke, hope

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Q: What four letter word has the same vowel sound as the 'o' in 'rope'?
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Related questions

Does rope have a long or short vowel?

The word "rope" has a long vowel sound in the letter "o."

Does the word rope have a short vowel sound?

No, the word "rope" has a long vowel sound for the letter "o", as in "ro-puh".

Is rope short vowel sound?

Yes, the "o" in rope makes a long vowel sound, not a short one.

What is a 5 letter word it comes from a fire and has the same vowel sound as rope?


Should Rope short or long vowel?

The word "rope" has a long vowel sound, pronounced as /roʊp/.

What is 7 letter compound word that contain the vowel sound in rope for a colorful arch in the sky?


What is the same O vowel sound as a rope and the question is it comes from fire?

The letter "o" in "rope" and "question" has the same short "o" vowel sound. This sound can also be found in the word "hot," which indeed has origins related to fire because of its association with heat.

What words have the same the vowel sound as rope that is white and cold?

Words that have the same vowel sound as "rope" that is white and cold include "snow," "glow," and "stone."

Does rope have a long vowel sound?

Yes. The O in rope has a long O (oh) sound and the E is silent.

Does soap have a long vowel sound?

Yes, The OA vowel pair in soap has a long O (oh) sound, to rhyme with rope.

What is the vowel sound in rope?

The O in rope is a long O, and there is a silent E.

What is a 9 letter compound word with a vowel sound like rope for a boat that transports cars and people?

ferryboat do you stupid