No, Pangoro is not a legendary. Pangoro has a pre-evolution form, unlike all legendaries, and it can breed with other Pokemon than just Ditto.
It is a rare pokemon, but it is not a legendary pokemon
Unknown is not a legendary Pokemon but it is considered rare. Legendary Pokemon are one of a kinds.
Noivern is not a Legendary Pokemon.
Is sawk a legendary pokemon??
No, Blastoise is not a legendary pokemon.
Pangoro is #675 in the national pokedex, and it is a Fighting-Dark type Pokemon.
It is a rare pokemon, but it is not a legendary pokemon
Unknown is not a legendary Pokemon but it is considered rare. Legendary Pokemon are one of a kinds.
no lileep is not a legendary pokemon but it is an ancient pokemon
The legendary is palkia
Noivern is not a Legendary Pokemon.
Is sawk a legendary pokemon??
No, Blastoise is not a legendary pokemon.
No, snover is not a Legendary Pokemon
Azelf is a legendary Pokemon.
Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza. Groudon is the fire legendary pokemon, Kyogre is the water legendary pokemon, and Rayquaza is the air legendary pokemon.
Arcanine is not a legendary Pokemon because legendary Pokemon can't be breeded and arcanine can.