Yes, Numel is good once it has magnitude. Then it evolves into camerupt at level 33.
Numel evolves at lvl 33
Numel evolves at level 33
No, Numel evolves itself at level 33.
Numel learns magnitude at Lv:19
Numel evolves at level 31 into Camerupt.
Wikianswers is not the smartest way to get good answers, so think you should really think over putting POKEMON questions on the web. Oh, and to your answer, Tyrannitar is Tyranniter, and Numel is Numel
Numel evolves into camrupt
numel evolves at level 33
Numel evolves at lvl 33
Numel evolves at level 33
Numel evolve into Camerupt at lv33. It's the final form of Numel :D
you evolve numel. numel evolves at lvl 33. you can get numel on the jagged path and east of lavridge town.
Numel evolves into Camerupt at level 33.
Numel evolves at level 33 into a Camerupt.
No, Numel evolves itself at level 33.
Numel learns magnitude at Lv:19
Numel evolves at level 31 into Camerupt.