No, Numel evolves itself at level 33.
Numel evolves into a fire/ground type named Camerupt at level 33.
Once you find a pokemon of the fire type which has something to evolve into, (like a numel or torchic or something) you then go into the items pocket in your bag, select the fire stone, and click use. It will then go to the screen with your party of pokemon. Select the fire pokemon mentioned earlier, and it'll evolve.
no he\she can't evolve by a fire stone
You evolve numel by leveling it up until it reaches level 33 at level 33 it should evolve
Pansear can evolve with a fire stone
Numel evolves into a fire/ground type named Camerupt at level 33.
Once you find a pokemon of the fire type which has something to evolve into, (like a numel or torchic or something) you then go into the items pocket in your bag, select the fire stone, and click use. It will then go to the screen with your party of pokemon. Select the fire pokemon mentioned earlier, and it'll evolve.
no he\she can't evolve by a fire stone
Numel evolves into camrupt
Numel evolve into Camerupt at lv33. It's the final form of Numel :D
camerupt its a fire and rock type and you can breed it with torchoal to get a torchoal with erupt
You evolve numel by leveling it up until it reaches level 33 at level 33 it should evolve
no it does not evolve with a fire stone.
Pansear can evolve with a fire stone
numel evolves at level 33
Numel evolves at lvl 33