When ROBLOX is shut down, they are updating the site... big time.
Either you are the owner or the owner has made a script to shut down the servers when someone says too. The owner can shut down a server at any time by going onto their places page, then looking at the different servers. Each one has a "Shut Down" button that is only visible to the owner.
Your game shuts down when someone (usually the Admins or the Owner) decide to shut it down for what ever reason they though fit. Also there are scripts that can shut it down or people can hack and shut it down.
It was temporarily shut down to protest SOPA and PIPA.
Facebook is not going to shut down.
Shut down all the garbage compactors! The police are going to shut down that illegal drug company today.
Yes, He hates all Americans and Is also going to shut down PBS Kids.
Forever. It has officially been shut down.
When ROBLOX is shut down, they are updating the site... big time.
There are no plans to do that.
You can't they are going to shut down if do.;(
Yes i think because my cousin read a paper to me and it said that so i think the school is going to shut down.
you can delete it by going to settings or account. or deactivate it.