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There is a trade somewhere in rustboro city asking for a skitty they will give you a meowth in return.

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Q: Is meowth in emerald
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How do you catch and where do you catch meowth in Pokemon Emerald?

You can't 'catch' a meowth in the wild in Pokemon emerald, you get it traded to you at the battle frontier, there is some guy that wants a skitty and if you give him a skitty, he'll give you a meowth. I can't remember what building the guy is in, but he is at the battle frontier, have a look around for him ;]

Does anyone have a Pokemon they can give you in Pokemon emerald?

u can get a seedot and meowth in the game hope i helped!

Are the voices of Meowth Jessy and James in Pokemon Battle Frontier different then they are in other versions?


How do you evolve meowow in Pokemon emerald?

Meowth? They normally evolve around level 28, regardless of the game.

How do you get meowth in Pokemon emerald?

== == Beat the elite 4, go to battle frontier, battle tower and then, go to the east an then, enter the house with the glass door. Talk to the girl and, trade her a skitty for a meowth. :)

At what level does meowth evolve in Pokemon Emerald?

It evolves at level 28. You should visit this page.It has all you want to kno about Pokemon evolutions ! ;)

When was Meowth created?

Meowth was created in 1996.

How do you get Celebi in emerald do not lie?

07 meowth's answerIt is simple: GO TO A NINTENDO EVENT!* or use a cheat system...*going to a Nintendo event ensures that your CELEBI is legit.

Who does Meowth belong to?

Meowth definitely belongs to Iris as in episode 46 it shows that Iris captured Meowth.

What pokedex number is meowth?

Meowth is number 52

What is the evolsion before meowth?

Meowth is basic and there is no baby form

How do you catch meowth on Pokemon Yellow?

Meowth is right of celadon