He is a human that was kidnapped as a kid. They sort of experimented on him and gave him some sort of a super armor. This increases his height, strength, speed and most of his skills he can do. So, he probably wouldn't be a super human without the greenish armour he wears.
Master Chief is a male.
it is a rank in the spartan army and John (master chief) is not only the last spartan but he is also the only master chief
master chief is totaly NOT A GIRL.OfcnStupid person
Master Chief is a Master Chief in the UNSC (A fictional branch of the military) and is the highest enlisted rank attainable.
He is all human but, he wears a super-suit
He comes from Earth and he is a person that's human, not alien or ghost, but a super soldier.
Yes, Master Chief, aka SPARTAN-117, aka John-117, is a human. Albeit, he is a bio-medically, genetically, and mechanically enhanced human. If you want the complete story behind Master Chief's origins, as well as the other SPARTANs' origins, find a copy of Halo: Fall of Reach. This tells how the SPARTANs came to be.
yes he is
Nope he is a super soldier.
You can't.
yes he is. he was genetically enhanced to make him a spartan super-soldier
He is a cyborg, not a human! He cant get vitamin c!
If you asked "is halo a girl" then no, it is a huge ring which master chief crashs on to and it is a destructive super weapon which the covenet try to destroy the universe with but fail because master chief blows it up. Master Cheif rules =)
Conker is not a Nintendo character and is not featured in any Super Smash Bros. title.