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If you want Mamoswine from FRLG? Catch the Swinub on FRLG first. Them Transfer to DPPt or HGSS from Pal Park.

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형인서 (InuYasha)

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No it's on Pokemon diamond and pearl.

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Q: Is mamoswine on Pokemon FireRed
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Can piloswine evolve on Pokemon FireRed?

No, Mamoswine didn't exist yet in the Gameboy Advanced games.

Is mamoswine a legendary?

No Mamoswine is not a legendary Pokemon

Is mamoswine a legendary Pokemon?

that depends on what moves you teach it! =)

How do you catch mamoswine on Pokemon HeartGold?

You must evolve a Piloswine to have a Mamoswine.

What is the mamoswine code for Pokemon global link?

The code for Mamoswine is POKEMONDOTCOM.

What level does Mamoswine evolve at in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Mamoswine doesn't evolve either way because it doesn't exist in Pokemon LeafGreen. It evolves from Piloswine who evolves from Swinub, but Piloswine can't evolve into Mamoswine in LeafGreen.

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What is the national pokedex number for Mamoswine?

Mamoswine is #473 in the national pokedex, and it is a Ice-Ground type Pokemon.

How do you get mamoswine in leaf green?

you can't get mamoswine in Pokemon leaf green because it doesn't exist in leaf green

Where to get staryu in firered?

In Pokemon firered you can't, but in Pokemon leafgreen you can get it then trade it to Pokemon firered.

How do you get to the Pokemon convention in Pokemon FireRed?

There is no Pokemon convention in firered.

Which of dawn's Pokemon evolve?

swinub into poloswine and then poloswine evolves into mamoswine . that is the Pokemon of dawns .