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If you do not use it for commercial gains, no.

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Q: Is making fake Yu-Gi-Oh cards illegal?
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What website can i go to to find fake yugioh cards to buy.?

No one will let u use fake cards and you waste money.

Where do you buy fake Yu-Gi-Oh cards?

Flea markets usually have them , eBay works too, theres no reason to buy fake yugioh cards though

What is the best five Yu-Gi-Oh cards?

the answer will be an opinion, but i think the best 5 Yugioh cards are the Winged Dragon of Ra, Obelisk the Tormentor, The Wicked Avatar, Dragon Master Knight, and The Tyrant Neptune. These are the real version of the Winged Dragon of Ra and Obelisk the Tormenter. Watch out, there are fake versions of these cards. It says "This card cannot be used in a duel" in the bottom left corner of fake cards, in either English or Asian. There are not any fake versions of the other above cards (unless they weren't made in a yugioh card making place, ex. printing out a picture of a card on line).

How do you make fake crack cocaine?

WikiAnswers does not support the illegal activity or in this case the fake illegal activity for making illegal drugs.

How do you tell if a god card is fake?

This trick works with all Yugioh cards. If you look in the lower right-hand corner, there should be a shiny sticker. If there isn't one, the card is a fake.

Can you report an illegal alien that is working on fake green cards and ss numbers?

Yes, you can.

Is it illegal to sell fake cards on eBay?

if you claim that they are real then yes it is illegal, so just don't say anything about them being real or fake and you'll get off scott free.

Is there any fake weed that is not bad?

No, and more and more places are making even the fake stuff illegal.

Is there a Sonic the Hedgehog Yu-gi-oh card?

No they dont make cartoon cards like Spongebob, Sonic Ect they are FAKE just google Yugioh Card Maker and make ur own even though they are fake

Is big letters on a back of a Yugioh card a sign that it is fake?

The only time a card's back should be different in any way from a regular card, is for the original God Cards, and asian-english cards like Kanan the Sword Mistress. If a card has english text but the back is different, it's a fake.

How do you make fake dark synchros?

yugioh card maker

Where can you buy the yugioh endless dragon with blue eyess?

It is a fake card so should not be available from a place that sells real cards. You might find it on ebay or an online card store.