Yes it is. It can learn Thunder witch is the best electric type move. And what is better than 3 magemites ?
Sorry to tell you this, but you can't evolve magneton on any gameboy advance games only on Pokemon games that have come out after diamond and pearl(including diamond and pearl) have the Pokemon that evolves from magneton.
Did you mean Magneton or Magmar. If it is Magneton or Magmar you have to trade them.
some good electric Pokemon catches in RUBY/SAPPHIRE would be electrode, manectric and magneton (Electrode and Magneton are rare but Manectric is Uncommon) there is also voltorb, pikachu, magnemite, chinchou, lanturn e.t.c
No, it evolves at Mount Coronet found in Sinnoh. Only in Pokemon diamond, pearl and platinum. Now you can also evolve it in Pokemon black and white. Level up a Magneton at Chargestone Cave and Magneton evolves.
Magnemite evolves into Magneton starting at level 30.
It depends on the level of the Pokemon. If they're high levels, then yes a VERY good Pokemon team.evolve magneton: go to mt coronet go in and level it up it will evolve lugialord971 signing off!!!!!!!!!!!
Magneton is the last evolution form.sorry.
Sorry to tell you this, but you can't evolve magneton on any gameboy advance games only on Pokemon games that have come out after diamond and pearl(including diamond and pearl) have the Pokemon that evolves from magneton.
Did you mean Magneton or Magmar. If it is Magneton or Magmar you have to trade them.
Magneton from the first generation Fossil set is rare, as well as first generation Team Rocket dark magneton and Neo Revelation magneton.
The only way to get Magneton is to evolve a Magnemite.
some good electric Pokemon catches in RUBY/SAPPHIRE would be electrode, manectric and magneton (Electrode and Magneton are rare but Manectric is Uncommon) there is also voltorb, pikachu, magnemite, chinchou, lanturn e.t.c
No, it evolves at Mount Coronet found in Sinnoh. Only in Pokemon diamond, pearl and platinum. Now you can also evolve it in Pokemon black and white. Level up a Magneton at Chargestone Cave and Magneton evolves.
Magneton evolves into Magnezone by leveling up in Mt. Coronet.
Magneton is #82 in the national pokedex, and it is an Electric-Steel type Pokemon.
Magneton and Nosepass
You level Magneton up while at Chargestone Cave, and it will evolve into Magnezone.