Did you mean Magneton or Magmar.
If it is Magneton or Magmar you have to trade them.
There is no such Pokemon named Kazza.
Girafarig doe's not evolve
evolve your chancey
it depends on the Pokemon that are evolving
you trade him. and he will evolve into gengar. you trade him. and he will evolve into gengar.
mightyena doesn't evolve on Pokemon pearl, he doesn't evolve in any Pokemon game!
I does not evolve
you can not evolve it
snesel can'NT evolve but can evolve in Pokemon diamond, pearl and platinum snesel can'NT evolve but can evolve in Pokemon diamond, pearl and platinum
octillery doesnt evolve
Yes Corphish does evolve in Pokémon Pearl.
it doesn't evolve
it doesn't evolve
No Pokemon can evolve with a hard stone
they dont evolve... even i know that