in my opinion its how u wana use it. i like machop better, cuz it can eveolve into machamp. but look at the stats. machamp has better total stats and it has better defensive stats. and u can teach it better moves
I'd say Mareep, Totadile, Machop, and Growlith.
None of them are better it just matters how you train it
Leonarage: You get it by defeating the FIGHTING-Type Gym Leader in Dewford Town. To beat him, you'll need to defeat his: Machop (Level 17), Makuhita (Level 18).
Lol, either or. They both get to their final evolutions through trading but if you want to choose machop is probably the better choice.
Cross Chop is an Egg Move for Hariyama. That means it can only learn it in this way: you have to breed a male Pokemon that knows Cross Chop with a female Makuhita/Hariyama. It will hatch a Makuhita that knows Cross Chop (plus any other Egg Moves the father knew, as well as Tackle and Focus Energy). You can then raise and evolve that Makuhita in the usual way to get a Hariyama. The only Pokemon that learns Cross Chop and is breedable with Makuhita/Hariyama is Machop/Machoke/Machamp. So the complete steps to get a Hariyama that knows Cross Chop is: 1. Get a Male Machop; in Emerald you can find them on Fiery Path and Jagged Path 2. Level up the Machop until it learns Cross Chop at level 40 (if you let it evolve into Machoke it won't learn it until level 46; if you want to evolve it into Machamp by trading it, it will still learn Cross Chop at level 46) 3. Put the Male Machop/Machoke/Machamp that knows Cross Chop in the Daycare with any Female Makuhita/Hariyama (you can find these in the Granite Cave and Victory Road). 4. Check to be sure they like each other. If they don't like each other very much, you might want to try catching a new Female Makuhita/Hariyama with a different nature. 5. Walk around for awhile, eventually they will produce an egg together. Get the egg from the Daycare people and walk around with the egg in your party. I like to ride my bike back and forth on a bike path, to cover ground faster. 6. Eventually (after 5,120 steps to be precise) the egg will hatch. The Makuhita that hatches from it will DEFINITELY know Cross Chop, but the Gender and Nature will vary. 7. Raise this Makuhita however you like and at level 24 you can evolve it into Hariyama as usual.
Machop- Level 17 Makuhita- Level 18 train a wingull and a taillow until they both get wing attack. It will easily defeat the machop and makuhita
Brawly is a fighting type and he is located in Dewford Town and he has a machop and makuhita
In Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, Brawly; the Dewford Town Gym Leader has two Pokémon that you will have to battle against which are Machop and Makuhita, Machop is at Level 12 and knows moves such as Bulk Up, Seismic Toss, Leer and Karate Chop and Makuhita is at Level 16 and knows moves such as Sand Attack, Bulk Up, Arm Thrust and Knock Off.
Mankey it has way better stats and is incredibly fast. On the other hand, Machop has a better move pool, but i would still use Mankey.
I'd say Mareep, Totadile, Machop, and Growlith.
None of them are better it just matters how you train it
Leonarage: You get it by defeating the FIGHTING-Type Gym Leader in Dewford Town. To beat him, you'll need to defeat his: Machop (Level 17), Makuhita (Level 18).
Lol, either or. They both get to their final evolutions through trading but if you want to choose machop is probably the better choice.
Cross Chop is an Egg Move for Hariyama. That means it can only learn it in this way: you have to breed a male Pokemon that knows Cross Chop with a female Makuhita/Hariyama. It will hatch a Makuhita that knows Cross Chop (plus any other Egg Moves the father knew, as well as Tackle and Focus Energy). You can then raise and evolve that Makuhita in the usual way to get a Hariyama. The only Pokemon that learns Cross Chop and is breedable with Makuhita/Hariyama is Machop/Machoke/Machamp. So the complete steps to get a Hariyama that knows Cross Chop is: 1. Get a Male Machop; in Emerald you can find them on Fiery Path and Jagged Path 2. Level up the Machop until it learns Cross Chop at level 40 (if you let it evolve into Machoke it won't learn it until level 46; if you want to evolve it into Machamp by trading it, it will still learn Cross Chop at level 46) 3. Put the Male Machop/Machoke/Machamp that knows Cross Chop in the Daycare with any Female Makuhita/Hariyama (you can find these in the Granite Cave and Victory Road). 4. Check to be sure they like each other. If they don't like each other very much, you might want to try catching a new Female Makuhita/Hariyama with a different nature. 5. Walk around for awhile, eventually they will produce an egg together. Get the egg from the Daycare people and walk around with the egg in your party. I like to ride my bike back and forth on a bike path, to cover ground faster. 6. Eventually (after 5,120 steps to be precise) the egg will hatch. The Makuhita that hatches from it will DEFINITELY know Cross Chop, but the Gender and Nature will vary. 7. Raise this Makuhita however you like and at level 24 you can evolve it into Hariyama as usual.
makuhita evolves to hariyama.
Makuhita evolves at level 24.
Makuhita evolves into Hariyama at level 24.