to evolve machoke you need to trade it
Machoke evolves into Machamp only through trade my friend.
It will evolve to Machoke about level 28. Machoke will evolve to Machamp when traded.
machoke needs to be traded to evolve
trade it to someone you trust. then trade back. the machoke will become a machamp,
machoke evolves if you trade it
machoke evolves after traded
You can get machoke in pokemon diamond, pearl and platinum.
By trading machoke
Machoke evolves into Machamp when traded.
you have to trade the machoke to get a machamp
Machoke can only evolve after its been traded
Machoke evolves into Machamp, but you need to trade it to get it to evolve.
to evolve machoke you need to trade it
Kadabra, machoke, haunter 'Just trading' - Kadabra; Machoke; Graveler; Haunter.
machoke evolve into machamp, what the f*** are you saying?