Killzone isn't out on the Xbox 360 so I doubt it will come out on the PC.
No it is only on Playstation 3 and not on XBOX 360. last of us is a game.
PS3 Definitely... But sometimes the XBox 360 with certain games like Halo 3
xbox 360.The Xbox 360 is the best as it can run games for both the Xbox and the Xbox 360.
no little kid i am the person who made the xbox 360 and it is only for the lame ps3
Killzone isn't out on the Xbox 360 so I doubt it will come out on the PC.
No, it's a Sony exclusive.
No! Killzone 3 is owned by Sony Computer Entertainment. It will NEVER be released on any console other than Sony's. This also applies for other first-party games, like Uncharted and Resistance.
No and i think it won't be either because they cannot play the graphics on the xbox 360.
Unfortunately not. Driver 3 was not released on the Xbox 360 and the Xbox version is not compatible on the Xbox 360.
The Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3 are two completely different 7th generation game consoles. The Xbox 360 is made by Microsoft and the PS3 is made by Sony. They both have a variety of exclusive games: Xbox with Halo3 and Gears of War, and PS3 with Metal Gear Solid 4 and Killzone 2. The failure rate for the Xbox is averaging around 33% while the PS3 has a failure rate of 0.2%. The prices are as follows: Xbox 360 is $199.99 while the PS3 is $299.99. The better version of the Xbox 360 is the Xbox 360 Elite, which has the same price as the PS3. The PlayStation 3 is known for better quality while the Xbox 360 is a more economic solution to gaming.This is a completely unbiased answer unlike the one before.I had added a link under related links that actually has an unbiased although out of date information.
Unfortunately, no, Skate 3 is not compatible with the Xbox 360 Kinect.
If you are referring to an "older xbox" as the regular xbox, then the answer is no. but if you are referring it as the first models of the xbox 360, then you can play halo 3 or any new xbox 360 games on your Xbox 360.
the xbox 360.
how do I connect my 3 mifi to my xbox 360
Metal Gear Solid Grand turismo Littlebig Planet LittleBig Planet 2 Uncharted Uncharted 2 Uncharted 3 (not out yet) Ps3 Move KillZone 2 KillZone 3 (not out yet Ratchet and Clank ( Theres 3 different ones) ... Thats just off the top of my head