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Q: Does doom 3 for Xbox work with Xbox 360?
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Related questions

What doom games are for the 360?

Doom 3, as well as its expansion, Doom 3: Ressurection of Evil are on Xbox 360. Doom 1 (the original game) can be purchased on Xbox Arcade.

Can you play doom 3 on xbox 360?

Yes with a HD and the backward compatibility update

Can Halo 3 on Xbox 360 work on Xbox?

No it will only work on Xbox 360. Halo 1 and 2 will work on the original Xbox.

Does dynasty warriors 3 work on xbox 360?

no, there is no dynasty warriors 4 on xbox 360

Does Halo 3 work on Xbox?

no no Xbox 360 games work on the normal xbox

Can you play Xbox doom3 on Xbox 360 slim?

I am Pretty sure it will, As the slim is an upgrade form the lower 360 platform so as long as you have the update from xbox live you should be able to play doom 3 on the 360 slim

Does halo 3 work o the xbox 360?

It only works on the xbox 360.

Will halo 3 work on an xbox 360 arcade?

All games work on all versions of the xbox 360.

Does Driver 3 work on Xbox 360?

unfortunately no.

Does Star Wars episode 3 on Xbox work on Xbox 360?

Yeah , it does .

Does Xbox live work for both Xbox 360 and Xbox one?

No, there is no cross-platform support on the Xbox One or Xbox 360 (same with Playstation 3 and 4).

Do Playstation 3 games work on xbox 360?

Yes it does work