A shiny Riolu is like any other shiny Pokemon in the game, for every Pokemon that you encounter, there is a 1 in 8192 chance that it will be shiny.
in order to hatch a riolu egg you need to walk about 5,000-6,000 steps
go to iron island and find riley. go battle the team galaactic guys and after he will give you a riolu egg then just hatch it to get riolu
it takes 600099084904 steps to hatch riolu which in the fastest time is at least 10 minutes
First you get it from Riley, then you have to walk between 3000ft - 4000ft somewhere in there
save before the egg is about to hatch then keep turning off your game until you get one
Gold Lucario is the shiny sprite version of it. You would have to hatch eggs of Riolu until you get a shiny one. Chances are 1/8xxx
A shiny Riolu is like any other shiny Pokemon in the game, for every Pokemon that you encounter, there is a 1 in 8192 chance that it will be shiny.
When you hatch Riolu from an egg, it will be level 1
Yes. Apparently it is easier to hatch shiny Pokemon from an egg in Platinum if it's parents are from another country.
It is quite rare to have an egg hatch and for a trainer to not only find a female Riolu, but to have it shiny as well. The gender ratio of Riolu is 87.5% male with 12.5% of the species being female. In Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, the chance of encountering a shiny Pokemon (in the wild or through hatching) is 1 in 8192 or approximately 0.012207%. By elementary calculations (not to be relied on very much), it seems that the chance of hatching a shiny female Riolu is 0.001525875% or 1.53 x 10^-3, which is indeed incredibly rare.
you run around sinnoh and it will hatch into riolu.
On Iron Island, a guy named Riley will give you an egg. It will hatch into Riolu.
Anywhere that you can catch Riolu. Shiny Pokemon can appear anywhere and anytime; with a 1/8192 chance of one appearing.
in order to hatch a riolu egg you need to walk about 5,000-6,000 steps
Evolve Riolu. Riolu evolves with Happiness in the day. To get Riolu, hatch the egg that Riley gives you after traveling with him through Iron Island.
Its all about luck, Riolu has a 12.5% chance of being female when you hatch it from the egg.