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beat the game and he is not in it.

master chiefs story happens about 20-30 year later

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Q: Is it true that master chief comes in the game halo reach?
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Are they making another halo game with master chief in it?

They have already made halo reach which does not include master chief the people replacing him are the noble team. Although at the end of the game in a cut scene you can see master chief in a tube where he is being preserved.

Is nobel 6 master chiefs dad?

No it mentions the chief in the reach trailer. and you can see the chief in the last movie on the game if you look the the right.

Can you be the master chief?

yes, you play as mater chief in every game. expect halo :reach, in reach u play as Nobel 6 and the armor that u use for multilayer can be used for campaign

What will be the last halo game?

currently the latest one will be Halo: Reach, which is set on the planet Reach, where the legendary Spartans fell to their death except the Master chief

Does master chief have a family?

Master Chief from the game series "Halo" is never mentioned to have a family.

How was halo reach destroyed?

It actually wasn't destroyed, but COD "fan boys" are saying that it is a bad game, but it is a good game. Probably the reason is you don't play as Master Chief.

Who is matser chief?

master chief is the main protagonist in the HALO video game series. If you're playing Halo, you're playing as master chief.

How do you get master chief in pivot?

You can download master chief for PIVOT. Or you can always unlock the character by playing the game too, to be honest.

In the game HALO what is the name of master chief's AL sidekick?

Cortana is the name of the Master Chief's AI side-kick.

When can you see the master chiefs helmet in halo reach?

Almost at the end of the game you will see the pelican that Capt Keys is in press right on the right stick and it will move over and you can see Master Chief in a criotube.

Will the master chief be in halo reach?

no it says that its not going to put him in the game in a vidoc called under the breach u can watch that by youtube or by downloading it in ur 360

Who is Master Chief of Halo?

well first off in the game play master chief is supposed to be yourself but in the books his name is john