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Yes, it is possible to swap HDDs between PS3 slims and PS3 fats. Simply remove the hard drive from both your PS3s and switch them. All your saved games, music, and movies should all be on your Slim PS3.

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Q: Is it possible to swap PS3 hdd with PS3 slim hdd?
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How do you connect xbox 360 slim hard drive to PC?

First u need a old xbox 360 HDD case and a transfer cable get the old HDD and open it until u find the sata to xbox cable. if u don't know how to open HDD Google it. next connect the cable to your slim HDD and connect the other end to the transfer cable. then use connect the us into your PC and use xport 360 to get into your HDD. hope this helped

Can Playstation 3 have above 100gb?

There are a number of PS3 Slim models over 100GB and also the 160GB PS3 Fat. Models currently available for purchase and in production are only the 160 GB and 320 GB PS3. 120 GB and 250 GB models are sometimes still available for new purchase although no longer in Production. All PS3 were designed to take standard notebook size HDD and are easily changed by a skilled user to even larger size harddrives

What is the current price of PS3 in Bangladesh?

now in dec 18 2012 the ps3 price is 250 dollar in 500 gb hdd . so i think it will be in bangladesh 21,000 tk

Can hd DVD movies be watched in a playstation 3?

of course u can.. connect ur hdd to the ps3.. go to videos.. press the triangle button to view all... and play... but u shld have ur hdd in fat32 format...

Can you upgrade your PlayStation 3 HDD?

yes you can if you have the bigger version of the playstation 3 on the left side is a small door take off that door and you will see some metal with a blue screw. Take out that screw and slide the HDD to the right then pull it out. This is the memory device for the ps3 also known as the HDD or hard disk drive. The details printed on the the HDD will help you determine what kind of hard drive you will need when you upgrade. is a great chap way to buy hard drives

Related questions

Can you swap the 80gig hdd to the 60gig PS3?

Changing HDD in the ps3 is very simple here's a tutorial.

Can a PS3 slim hd fit into a PS3?

Yes they both have standard notebook HDD

What if your 60gb PS3 got the ylod and doesn't work you get a slim can you put your hdd in your friends 60gb PS3 and back it up to an external hdd?

No you cant!.

How many watts does a PS3 uses?

The newer PS3 slim models consume 250 watts for all HDD sizes

Can you transfer Data from an inactive PS3 to a PS3 slim?

Is PS3 doesn't work any-more you can swap the HDD's or you can plug both drives form the two PS3's to the computer and copy the files over. If you have stuff on there from the PS Store you could just link your PS3's and download the files again onto your other PS3.

What if your 60gb PS3 got the ylod and doesnt work so you get a slim can you put your hdd in your friends PS3 and back it up to an external hdd?

Simply no bc the hdd`s content is encrypted to your ps3 serial number, so in other word just format it and begin all over.

I sold my PS3 40GB because not working took out the 500GB HDD i had but reading about PS3 slim you cant just insert old HDD I didn't back up the video data can i extract it off a HDD dock?

Yes & No you actually can swap the hdds but they are new so i am guessing you can back up on to a memory stick and copy to the hard drive then I added a link to "Can I upgrade the hard disk drive (HDD) inside my PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system?" that includes trouble shooting procedures. It may be of help and is part of the Playstation Support and Knowledge Center

Should I buy a PS3 or wait for the PS3 slim to come out?

Wait for the slim it will cost $299.99 i think and will come with a 120 GB HDD(internal harddrive) and the got rid of they Spider-man text! unless you like the glossy look if you like your ps3 clean with no finger prints or anything go with the slim it doesnt have the gloss which which causes alot of finger prints

Will your 40 gb PS3 have backwards compatibility if you change your hdd not your PS3 but the hdd itself for one with more memory?


What store will the ps3 slim come out on?

The original PS3 slim has now been out so long it is available only in later models with larger HDD s or old unsold store stock. The PS3 slim is available at a wide range of retail merchants and is available both online and locally in stores that carry Video Game Consoles.

Can you put an fat PS3 hard drive into a PS3 slim?

Yes it the harddrive is updated with the new model. The harddrive needs to be set up for the system that it is in. It would not be a fat PS3 harddrive in a PS3 slim and still allow the PS3 slim to work. You could not even put it in a different model Fat PS3 without uploading the new information for that model PS3. They are all just standard laptop harddrives (2.5" internal Serial ATA HDD) like all PS3 use and then loaded with the unique model information that only that model can use. You certainly could not use a early PS2 capable harddrive to give your slim a capability to play PS2 games. see related link

Can you download playstation3 games to PS3 hdd?

Yes but its only for the internal one not usb hdd.