of course u can.. connect ur hdd to the ps3.. go to videos.. press the triangle button to view all... and play... but u shld have ur hdd in fat32 format...
HD movies can be found on Netlix, and/or Zune. Just make sure your account on those two sites... has the video output to maximum quality. (HD)
Depends on your harddrive size and whether the movies are in HD. My DVR holds 100 hours of HD programming and is a smaller harddrive than the PS3 320 GB. Sites I reviewed said HD is about 1 GB per hour programming others said 1.5 GB so the PS3 320 GB could hold 200 to 300 hours of HD movies. Netflix is said to be about 2 GB an hour or so at the same site which would be less than 100 movies.
An Xbox 360 is capable of playing HD movies as long as you have an "Xbox 360 HD player." The Xbox 360 itself can be viewed and played in the HD content. You will need some HD equipment which includes a HD TV (some will say HD ready - meaning 720p, others will say full HD - meaning 1080p). After getting a TV, use a HDMI cable to link your xbox to the TV. This will now show you HD. Any video game can be viewed at the full 1080p HD.
No, you do not. The PlayStation 3 comes with an A/V cable (the cable that has the red, yellow, and white cords) which hooks up perfect to a TV with those slots, HDTV or not. You can buy, however, cords that are HDTV compatible only, with an HD picture (as A/V cables do not support HD).
You don't need an HD tv. you can use the standard red,white, yellow composite plugs.
Playstation 3 will play HD DVDs. You do not need an accessory to have the HD DVD work.
PS3 Formats (HD) AnswerThe PlayStation 3 console will NOT play HD DVD's. Sony Computer division owns the rights to HD DVD's competition, "Blue Ray". Thus, the PS3 uses Blue Ray technology. They both supply "HD" output. Blue ray has a higher capacity for storage than HD DVD.
No. Your HD tv should be able to handle many formats.
No and HD DVDs have been discontinued
Yes it can play standard DVD's (not Blu-ray or HD DVD's)
HD DVD movies were first commercially available between 2000 and 2003 as a competitor against Blue-ray discs. In 2008 it was announced that HD DVD would no longer be produced by Toshiba because Blue-ray was more favored among manufacturers and consumers. The fatal blow of HD DVD happened when Warner Bros, the largest market share of DVD's, announced its plans to drop HD DVD in favor of Blue-ray. Shortly after Walmart followed Warner Bros lead.
no because hd dvds are newer then the ps2 (that's like trying to play ps3 games on the ps2)
A PS3 will play DVDs that I have burned on my Media Center Computer and upgrade them to near HD quality. It will also play rented and purchased movies that are on Blu-ray or DVD.
Yes, You can download Hd movies from the dashboard and watch them on your hdtv. However, if you buy or rent an hd movie from a store, you must purchase the HD-DVD player upgrade for your xbox 360 beforehand
Yes it Comes in Widescreen and in HD unlike othe movies.
Which HD DVD?