HD movies can be found on Netlix, and/or Zune. Just make sure your account on those two sites... has the video output to maximum quality. (HD)
An Xbox 360 is capable of playing HD movies as long as you have an "Xbox 360 HD player." The Xbox 360 itself can be viewed and played in the HD content. You will need some HD equipment which includes a HD TV (some will say HD ready - meaning 720p, others will say full HD - meaning 1080p). After getting a TV, use a HDMI cable to link your xbox to the TV. This will now show you HD. Any video game can be viewed at the full 1080p HD.
In order to get High Definition gaming You need an HDMI cable and a HDTV/ HD Computer monitor.
Yes with a HD and the backward compatibility update
Not as good as you would have with an HD TV, but graphics will be slightly improved from the original XBOX. In my opinion.
HDMI stands for High-Definition Multimedia Interface which is a cable you can use to play game in HD 720p,1080p and 1080i on a HD full TV or HD ready
Yes, You can download Hd movies from the dashboard and watch them on your hdtv. However, if you buy or rent an hd movie from a store, you must purchase the HD-DVD player upgrade for your xbox 360 beforehand
Yes it can play standard DVD's (not Blu-ray or HD DVD's)
No, the Xbox 360 elite only plays DVDs like all other models of xbox.
An Xbox 360 is capable of playing HD movies as long as you have an "Xbox 360 HD player." The Xbox 360 itself can be viewed and played in the HD content. You will need some HD equipment which includes a HD TV (some will say HD ready - meaning 720p, others will say full HD - meaning 1080p). After getting a TV, use a HDMI cable to link your xbox to the TV. This will now show you HD. Any video game can be viewed at the full 1080p HD.
yes it does it plays any kind of movie
If you wanted to watch HD DVDs on the 360 you would have to buy the extra external HD DVD player. This does not make much sense now because HD DVDs "lost" the format war to Blu Ray.
If you have Xbox 360 and Xbox Live you can stream the broadcast for free or pay to download it in HD
you have to buy the HD cables, but yes.
on the xbox 360 its at the back of the xbox 360. there is a hdmi port put the hdmi cable in the xbox 360 and slot it in the hdmi port on your hdtv
If you don't have an HD XBox 360, then there is no HDMI port. Yes, there are 2 types of XBox 360's.